Passion for wound care unites clinicians across the world to create sustainable change

Medline Global Health Initiative digitizes education program to support clinicians in low-resource countries
By Medline Newsroom Staff | April 14, 2021
It started with a simple idea: empower clinicians through wound care education. That concept quickly flourished from a regional effort in South America to a comprehensive online series now available at no cost to clinicians worldwide.
Two years ago and in partnership with Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Canada (NSWOCC), Medline developed a program in Argentina to train clinicians in response to a growing global challenge. Working with the Argentine Ministry of Health, national wound care experts and administrators at several hospitals, Medline and NSWOCC worked to identify challenges faced by the country’s health systems.
“We set out to develop a simplified approach to wound care assessment with the hope of empowering clinicians across diverse languages and skill levels,” said Shelley Masyoluk, Director of Clinical Engagement at Medline Canada and a volunteer clinical leader in the program.
With the initial assessment tool and training program now created, Medline and NSWOCC wound care experts, worked alongside Argentine wound care leaders to conduct live training for over 240 healthcare workers in Tartagal and Salta, Argentina.
Now, Medline is expanding the reach of its education program by bringing the training online to empower more clinicians across the world. It is estimated that over 400 million people worldwide have wounds; however, not all clinicians have access to wound care education.
“In order to expand access to critical wound care resources, it starts with giving clinicians the right tools to improve patient outcomes and safety to help solve common or chronic wound issues,” Masyoluk continued. “This free, four-course series can bring our knowledge to more people and hopefully inspire clinicians to make a profound impact within their communities.”
The online wound care courses are available in English and Spanish, and cover topics spanning: Introduction to Wounds, Pressure Injury Prevention, Lower Extremity Neuropathic Disease (LEND) and Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUS), and Wound Assessment and Documentation.
Learn more about Medline’s wound care offering here:
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