What You Need to Keep Up with Rapidly Changing Healthcare Environment
By Medline Newsroom Staff | November 15, 2018
Medline University and HealthStream are launching their new partnership to bring educational resources to over 750,000 healthcare workers. The partnership with Healthstream broadens Medline University users’ learning opportunities through thousands of CE courses, webinars, and articles. “Digital learning allows busy nurses and other healthcare staff to improve their learning capability by getting real-time education, improved accessibility, and benefit from self-paced learning,” says Jamie Miller, Clinical Nurse Educator, Medline University.
Continuing education is important for healthcare professionals not only to maintain their licensure, but to keep up with the rapidly changing healthcare environment. Healthstream’s vice president of clinical development, Trisha Coady, stated, “Nearly 70 percent of the healthcare workforce is involved in direct patient care. That’s 3.1 million of HealthStream’s 4.5 million subscribers, who complete over one million courses each week. If each of those healthcare professionals could prevent harm or death for only five people in their lifetime as a result of acquired knowledge, over 15 million lives would be saved.”
It is important for healthcare professionals to stay up to date with the latest findings and advancements in healthcare to implement them into their processes to improve patient care. The healthcare field is invariably changing and practices are adapting. In order to provide the best quality of care, nurses must constantly update their knowledge to treat patients effectively and efficiently.
Medline University offers a diverse range of courses across the entire continuum of care and the partnership with Healthstream expands their resources even further. Over half of U.S. health systems partner with Heathstream to provide professional development and training to their employees. You can check out the new and improved website and resource center to stay on top of industry trends and complete professional requirements.
Click here to explore all the resources.
Medline Newsroom Staff
Medline Newsroom Staff
Medline's newsroom staff researches and reports on the latest news and trends in healthcare.