UV Disinfection Helps Louisiana Hospital Step Up COVID-19 Efforts in a Big Way

Solaris Lytbots—distributed by Medline—use ultraviolet light to help hospital staff fight germs
By Medline Newsroom Staff | April 16, 2020
New robots now roam the hallways of St. Tammany Health System in Covington, Louisiana, one of the largest hospitals in the state’s Northshore region. They are Solaris Lytbots, but around the hospital, they’re more affectionately known as, “the twins.” The St. Tammany Hospital Foundation purchased the robots in March to help the hospital augment their infection prevention efforts, and they’re starting to turn heads.
“With the outbreak of COVID-19, our leadership felt that this item could be another valuable resource to help care for the patient,” Nicole Suhre, executive director of the St. Tammany Hospital Foundation, told New Orleans’s FOX affiliate last week.
Today, hospital staff across America manually apply chemicals to clean and disinfect rooms. As a “no touch” technology that can augment their work, Solaris UV disinfection can help ensure these facilities are more thoroughly disinfected by minimizing the human factors associated with manual environmental cleaning. The technology works by pulsating rays of UV light that help target vegetative and spore-forming pathogens that may have been left behind after manual cleaning.
“We know environmental service teams put in a heroic effort every day, but even when armed with best-in-class chemistries, important surfaces are being missed,” said Tess Feeney, senior product manager at Medline. “Solaris UV disinfection can be a reliable line of defense environmental workers can add to their arsenal of tools for disinfection.”
Learn more about Solaris.
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