VR Tour Provides a Window into Reality Behind Reprocessing

By Medline Newsroom Staff | March 7, 2019

Virtual reality (VR) is often a means of escapism, but Medline’s new VR tour of their Redmond, Oregon reprocessing facility is a window into real-life innovation. The VR tour gives administrators and clinicians an immersive look into the fastidious process involved in reprocessing single-use instruments. The VR headset provides a chance to virtually stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the highly-trained workers who clean, inspect, test, package, and sterilize these vital tools.

Some skepticism about reprocessing still exists, despite stringent FDA regulations and independent research that has found that reprocessed devices fail five times less often than new ones. To help combat the remaining stigma around this groundbreaking technology, Medline is offering hospital administrators and clinicians the opportunity to see with their own eyes all the work that goes into cleaning, inspecting and packing devices for reuse.

Every single reprocessed device is painstakingly inspected and tested according to FDA regulations, which are more stringent for reprocessed devices than for new ones.  While new devices are batch tested, with significantly fewer individual inspections, reprocessed devices are each individually tested. As a result,  far fewer faulty reprocessed devices land in the hands of clinicians.

Tour provides a virtual peek into the Redmond, Oregon reprocessing facility.

Reprocessing is both a good way to avoid contributing to medical waste and  the single largest savings opportunity available to hospitals or ambulatory centers. Healthcare providers who choose reprocessed devices often save up to 50% off the cost of new devices – over one year, the cost savings can quickly reach the millions. The new VR tour helps decision makers both understand the process behind reprocessing and gain peace of mind that they’re sourcing the best tools available. By donning a simple headset, they’re peeking into their future of safety, cost control and environmental protection.

Learn more about how Medline is leveraging reprocessing technology to help health systems reduce costs and green their supply chain.

Categories: Company News, Perioperative, Technology

Medline Newsroom Staff

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