Medline Employees Step Into the Shoes of Firefighters for a Day

Nearly 1,000 employees put their skills to the test at a fundraising event

By Medline Newsroom Staff | October 9, 2019

It is estimated that there are more than one million firefighters across the country protecting their communities, often in the most unexpected circumstances. But before they can act, firefighters first have to undergo intense training — new recruits spend over 600 hours on training alone in the course of just 12-14 weeks.

Recently, nearly 1,000 employees at Medline got an inside look at some of the arduous training firefighters endure. At a fundraising event hosted by the company and the Mundelein Fire Department in Illinois, Deputy Fire Chief Darren Brents and his team set up a mock training that put employees’ skills to the test.

They completed an obstacle course where they pulled a hose from the fire truck and sprayed water, raced through cones while wearing and carrying heavy gear, completed a dummy drag and used the Keiser sled, a forcible entry-chopping device.

“The obstacle course was certainly more difficult than I imagined. As a healthcare company though that works with first responders like firefighters to deliver the vital supplies they need, it is important that we immerse into their world even for an afternoon to understand the needs of our customers,” says Katie Brenton, a Medline EMS team member who has a long line of firefighters in her family, including her grandfather, father, uncles and brother.

To demonstrate their appreciation, employees raised and donated money to the Mundelein Fire Department’s equipment fund.

“We are grateful for the support from community businesses like Medline and the opportunity to partner on this meaningful event,” says Brents. “There are a number of things we can’t always budget for, so the extra funds we raise can help pay for those items, like simulation mannequins.”

Learn how Medline is helping firefighters and other EMS workers prepare for their daily challenges.

Categories: Company News

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